Camp Wamava is a Christian Camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

Camp WaMaVa Camper Behavior Agreement

Any camper, regardless of background, is welcome to attend Camp WaMaVa. Each camper deserves to be treated with respect, love, and care and is expected to treat others with that same respect, love, and care. Pursuant to the mission of Camp WaMaVa, the camp director and staff seek to provide an environment where opportunities to make friends, learn about God, and experience the benefits of camp are available. The physical and emotional safety of each camper is a primary concern. All camp rules and guidelines are designed to support and promote this culture of safety and respect.

The camp director and staff recognize and understand that a camper may experience challenges within the social, physical, and spiritual construct of the Camp WaMaVa environment. The desire to establish one's self, find a place to be accepted, and learn skills of independence can be difficult to navigate. At Camp WaMaVa, the staff are trained to anticipate possible reactionary behaviors associated with these potential challenges. They are prepared to be positive mentors who provide an atmosphere where each camper can flourish and grow. The staff of Camp WaMaVa desire to be proactive Christian examples and encourage each camper to discover the camp surroundings and opportunities. It is this positive, proactive approach that helps mitigate many potential behavioral problems and empowers the camper with enduring social skills.

Despite the best attempts of the camp staff, behavioral issues or concerns sometimes arise. It is not the desire of the camp director or staff to dismiss a camper. However, a camper will be dismissed from camp early if undesired behaviors are repeatedly committed and staff corrections and mediations are ineffective. This dismissal policy is followed in order to protect the camp experience and/or safety for all campers.

Below are the rules of behavior for a camper attending Camp WaMaVa. Campers must agree to follow these rules in order to attend camp.

  • As a camper, I will treat everyone at Camp WaMaVa with respect.
  • As a camper, I will treat the property of Camp WaMaVa with care.
  • As a camper, I will follow all rules, directions, and the camp schedule.
  • As a camper, I will not tolerate or participate in any kind of bullying behavior.
  • As a camper, I will immediately tell a counselor or the director if I feel in danger, threatened, mistreated, or unsafe in any way. I understand that Camp WaMaVa is always under adult supervision, a counselor is almost always directly nearby, and the Mess Hall is a safety zone.
  • As a camper, I will respect the faith practices (devotionals, Bible classes, prayers) of Camp WaMaVa. I will not be disruptive during these activities. I understand that I am encouraged to pray, sing, and read the Bible, but will not be forced to actively participate.
  • As a camper, I will have fun and enjoy my experience at Camp WaMaVa!

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