Camp Wamava is a Christian Camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

Different Ways You Can Give to Camp WaMaVa

Camp WaMaVa cannot function without the support of generous Christians within the WaMaVa community. God has provided every need through their faithful actions. Whether it’s money, supplies, food, volunteering, handyman expertise, or prayers, there are many ways you can help meet the needs of WaMaVa to keep this mission field operating.

Food Supplies

Every summer, Camp WaVaVa contacts local church congregations to help meet our non-perishable food/supply needs. We then keep a listing of congregations, points of contact, and the items committed. Contact your congregation's leadership or a WaMaVa board member if you are unsure of your congregation's WaMaVa supply drive participation. If your church congregation is not connected to our supply drive and you'd like to contribute to our food/supply needs, please consider the following:

Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, and Napkins

We are always in need of paper supplies in high quantities. If you choose to give in this way, please bring your items (in any quantity) to our 2018 Memorial Day picnic or as early in our 2018 summer session as possible.

Perishable Food Contribution

For bulk items that cannot be stored for long periods of time, each spring we have a "shopping list" of typical perishable food expenditures. We seek financial contributions for us to purchase these items on a weekly basis. If you would like to directly fund this need, please check back next spring to help us fill our online shopping cart! (This contribution is tax-deductible)

Camp WaMaVa Summer 2018



Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6




































Volunteer Bible teachers and kitchen assistants are needed for each camping week.

Bible teachers are needed for two 45-minute class sessions per day, from Mon-Fri of their selected week. The teaching curriculum will be provided in advance before you arrive for your week of camp. Bible teachers will serve under the guidance of the Service Chief.

Kitchen assistants are needed from 4pm Sunday to 9am Saturday of their selected week. They will help cook and serve meals for the entire camp. Kitchen assistants will serve under the guidance of the Kitchen Chief.

Air-conditioned quarters are available for our volunteers and we encourage you to stay with us for the week.

If you are interested in serving one of these rewarding positions for a week, please contact:
Lisa Bosley ( at 703-631-2100.

Trade Skills
Please consider filling out our WaMaVa Skills Survey!
One way to contribute toward WaMaVa’s needs is assisting with grounds/facilities/systems upkeep. We are developing a skills repository so that we can maintain, construct, or fix our property needs less expensively. We ask handy folks and tradesmen within the WaMaVa community to complete our skills survey.

With this information we can organize more effective work days in preparation for the summer, develop maintenance schedules for applicable equipment, and have a call list in the event something breaks.

Your information will not be distributed outside of WaMaVa’s community.

WaMaVa Skills Survey:  Word Doc  |  PDF file

Camp Cleanup Weekends

We also have camp cleanup/work and worship weekends for cleaning/upkeep/maintenance of the campgrounds in the off-season. Check out our calendar for the next workday.

Monetary Donations
Camp WaMaVa graciously accepts any donations. Camper fees do not cover the full cost of camp operation. We rely on generous Christians throughout the DC area and beyond to help camp meet its financial needs.  

Your donation will go toward camp supplies, maintenance, sponsoring a camper in need, teaching material, recreation equipment, and many other needs of the camp. Any contribution is much appreciated and needed. Thank you for your consideration, generosity and Christ-like service to Camp WaMaVa.

Camp WaMaVa is now offering PayPal's secure online banking services to process online payments and donations. 
PayPal.  The safer, easier way to pay.  (You won't need to setup a PayPal account.  PayPal allows credit card payments without creating an account.)

If you wish to donate via check, please send your contribution to the following address:

Camp WaMaVa
PO Box 6264
Columbia, MD 21045

Camp WaMaVa is a non-profit Christian Camp. ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE* You will receive a thank you note/tax slip for your records.

* Financial statements are available upon request
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web design by Debbie Dunlap - ©1997-2018