Camp Wamava is a Christian Camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

A Parent's Guide to Camp WaMaVa


Preparing for Camp  |  Registration Day  |  While Your Child is at Camp  |  Pickup/Checkout Day

After Camp  |  FAQs  |  Reviews/Testimonials

What to Bring:

 Bible, notebook, pencil or pen
 Envelopes & stamps if your camper wants to write home
 Bed clothing (pillow, sleeping bag/sheets & blankets)
 Toilet articles (shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, washcloth, towels,
    comb, etc.)
 Flashlight and batteries
 Clean clothing for each day (remember it can occasionally get cold at night
    in the mountains - toss in a sweatshirt and long pants just in case)
 Swimming suit, beach towel, water shoes and sunscreen
 Bug repellant

Please Note: Laundry facilities are NOT available for campers.

What NOT to Bring:

 Any Electronic Devices (i.e. IPods, Tablets)
 Cell Phones (read our cell phone policy here)
 Spending Money

General Rules:

 Every person must follow the camp schedule.
 Attendance at classes, devotionals and recreational activities is required
    unless excused by the director.
 All campers must be in their quarters during rest, study and sleeping periods.
 Hiking will be in groups with counselor-approved supervision.
 All campers and staff members must adhere to the camp dress code.
 Tobacco, alcohol or other drugs are not permitted at camp (this does not
    include prescriptions from your physician).
 All medicines must be turned in to the camp nurse at registration, the first day you come to camp.
 Any sickness or injury must be reported to the camp nurse or camp director.
 Campers are not to keep pets, have guns, hatchets, knives or any other weapon at camp.
 Defacing/destruction of property or wildlife is prohibited.
 The camp fee must be paid in full upon arrival at camp for registration.
 Campers, staff, parents and friends are encouraged to limit telephone calls into or out of camp. There is only one
    telephone line into the camp and this should be kept open for emergencies.
 The director and his staff have the right to send any person home if, in their opinion, this action is deemed
    necessary for the health and safety of the individual or the rest of those attending camp.
 If a camper has a car at camp, he/she or their friends are not permitted to use the car. Keys must be turned over
    to the camp director when they arrive.
 Please make sure you have given the camp staff a current phone number and emergency contact. We must have
    this in order for you child to stay at camp.

Dress Code:

●  In view of the outdoor activities at camp, it is required that all campers and staff members wear clothing that will
    adequately cover and protect the body.
●  Because we believe that a Christian camp should emphasize Christian principles, including modesty of dress,
    ALL CLOTHING must befit Christian standards, yet be in keeping with the camp surroundings and activities.
●  No revealing shirts and no short shorts are allowed.
●  SHOES MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES WHEN OUTSIDE OF THE CABINS (except for the swimming pool area)
●  A banquet will be held at the end of the sixth week of camp. Campers may wish to bring dress clothes for this

Camper Behavior Contract:

Please review the Camper Behavior Agreement before arriving to camp. Campers must agree to follow these rules in order to attend camp.

Medical Information Review:

Please review the Medical Information Review before arriving to camp. After the Registrar sends an Enrollment Confirmation email, you will be able to access "Forms" on the "Parent Dashboard" (permission forms and medical forms).

Watch Camp's Videos

Camp WaMaVa Videos on YouTubeA video montage is created after each week of summer camp and posted on YouTube.  Have your camper preview the fun times at Camp Wamava!

Read Camp WaMaVa Mission Statement

Please read Camp WaMaVa's Mission Statement.

What to Expect from WaMaVa Counselors

In addition to hiring counselors who embody Camp WaMaVa's mission to provide a safe environment where each camper is appreciated, where play is important, where lifelong friendships are forged, and where a relationship with God is strengthened, our counselors are also CPR certified and background checked. 

Addressing Possible Homesickness

Homesickness — Expert Advice for Parents
This summer, millions of children will get their first taste of independence at a summer resident camp. For many, it will also be their first experience with homesickness. But parents don't have to feel helpless when homesickness strikes. The prescription for camper homesickness is ... Read More

New Thinking Needed on Helping Kids Avoid or Cope with Homesickness
A new report urges parents and children's doctors to change their thinking about homesickness among children, to see it as a nearly universal but highly preventable and treatable phenomenon — rather than an unavoidable part of childhood ... Read More


Check-In Time

Registration takes place between 2 - 4 pm on Sunday.
Registration begins when the Registrar calls the first number.

Check-In Location

Registration takes place on the front porch of the mess hall.

Your Registration Number

When the Registrar received and processed your application, you were sent a number that indicates your registration order. Numbers were given in the order in which the applications were received. The lower your number, the sooner you register. If you've forgotten your number, a list is posted on the front mess hall door!

The Check-in Process

During your registration, you will:
●  Reconcile any outstanding payments
●  Give the camp nurse any medicines/prescriptions your child will need for the
    week and any medication instructions
●  Choose your cabin assignment for the week (Cabins A,B,C, or D for Girls…
    Cabins A,B, or C for Boys)
●  Receive a slip of paper to hand to your counselor that indicates you’ve
    completed registration
●  Pickup your Camp WaMaVa T-shirt (included in camp fee)

After Check-in

After you’ve completed registration, you can proceed to your child’s cabin to drop off belongings, help make the bed, meet your child’s counselor, ask any further questions you may have, and give your new camper a loud, embarrassing good-bye smooch!

Walk-In Registration

Walk-in registrations are accepted (space permitting). There will be laptop stations in the mess hall where applications can be submitted electronically. Paper applications are not provided or accepted. Among the information needed on the application is Medical insurance carrier/number/contact info, medications/dosage/instructions, and emergency contact information (in addition to parent/guardian contact info), so please have that information handy. Walk-in registrations will be processed after all registration numbers have been called.

Typical Camp Day Routine
  7:15am  – Wake up
  8:00am  – Breakfast
  8:30am  – Front Hill Song and Prayer
  8:45am  – Morning Activity
  9:45am  – Morning Devotional
  10:00am  – Bible Class #1
  10:35am  – Break
  10:45am  – Bible Class #2
  11:20am  – Free Rec
  12:00pm  – Lunch
  12:30pm  – Rest Period
  1:15pm  – Boys Recreation / Girls Swim
  2:45pm  – Canteen
  3:15pm  – Girls Recreation / Boys Swim
  4:45pm  – Free Rec/Arts & Crafts
  6:00pm  – Dinner
  6:30pm  – Free Rec/Arts & Crafts
  7:00pm  – Evening Recreation
  8:00pm  – Canteen
  8:30pm  – Evening Devotional
  9:00pm  – Dismissal to Cabins
Email Your Camper

Emails are distributed twice a day.  To email your camper, CLICK HERE.

Letters to Your Camper

Letters or postcards are welcomed by all campers. 
To write a camper, use the following address:

Camper Name
% Camp WaMaVa
1042 Oregon Hollow Rd
Linden, VA 22642

Daily Photos Posted Online

At the end of each day of camp photos are posted on Flickr.  They're generally accessible via an embedded slideshow on WaMaVa's homepage or linked on our Photos page.  You can also find them directly on Flickr.

Director's Journal

We want parents to feel connected to their camper's experience as much as possible. In addition to daily pictures posted on our website and a video montage created at week's end, the director will email a report at least once per week describing the activities campers have experienced. We hope this enables you to ask more than just the "How was camp?" question when you pick up your child at the end of camp...and more importantly...prompts your child to give more than just an "It was great!" answer.

Limit Phone Calls, Please

Camp WaMaVa only has one phone line. Therefore, it is reserved for emergency use only. We encourage you to email your child or send letters/postcards.  Emails and letters are distributed twice a day during lunch and dinner mealtimes.

Check-Out Time

Camper pickup time is between 9 – 11am on Saturday. Please make every effort to pick up your child prior to 11 am as this allows the staff adequate time to prepare for the following week of camp.

Check-Out Checklist

●  Collect leftover medications
●  Check the cabin clothesline for items belonging to your child
●  Double-check that you have all your belongings packed in the car. Don't forget the dirty clothes bag (most commonly forgotten item)
●  Say good-bye to your counselors
●  Check-out with the Director in front of the Mess Hall.


Watch for:
●  Weekly Camp Video to be Posted on YouTube
●  A Camper and Parent Survey will be Emailed


For more information, go to our Frequently Asked Questions page


"I've always thought that God has a special place in His heart just for Camp WaMaVa. It has felt like home to me since I was 8 years old."  Read MORE Testimonials!

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